PODCAST: Unforget Yourself
I speak with Mark of the Unforget Yourself Podcast about setting aside my fear and my silence in order to bring a voice to table about the experience of being on the sidelines of addiction.
Podcast: Mental Illness Happy Hour
Addiction from the sober partners side. I speak with host Paul Gilmartin about the confusing, infuriating, silent world of being on the sidelines of addiction.
Podcast: Bump in the Road
I speak with Pat Wetzel from Bump in the Road about addictive relationships, betrayal, and finding a way through it all.
Article: Shondaland
I learned my former husband had a brief marriage he never disclosed. The secret wife wanted to talk to me as my memoir was released. That conversation became a gift to both of us. I write about it for Shondaland.
Podcast/Radio: How to Live a Fantastic Life
Souldn’t your life be fantastic? I speak with Dr. Lycka of How to Live a Fantastic Life after the struggles of an addictive marriage. I’m not quite there yet but I know I will be. Trauma should shape us, not define us.
Article: Zibby Mag
Silence can be a necessary self-protective mechanism, a destructive force, or if you’re lucky, a transformative wake up call. I write about my experience of finding my voice through the pain of my alcoholic marriage in this article for Zibby Mag.
Podcast: Second Wind
Silence is often the protective mechanism we employ after trauma. I speak with Joyce Buford of Second Wind about my journey from silence to courage. Hopefully, you’ll see ways that you too can find your courage.
Podcast: Voices of Courage
I speak with KL Wells of Voice In Courage about silence in addictive relationships. Silence is the common protective mechanism we take on as loved ones out of love and loyalty. It also eventually becomes our corrosive secret. We talk about why and how and what to do about silence. Listen in.
Contributor: Fast Company
I spoke with Harvey Deutschendorf, Fast Company’s expert on emotional intelligence. The subject, toxic masculinity in the workplace and what to do about it.
Podcast: The Women’s Eye
Two memorist’s at a bar…well, we should have been because Laura Munson and I could have have spoken for hours about writing trauma. The good news is that we are both healed and happy and better for the experience.
Podcast: Virgin. Beauty. Bitch.
Conversation about women breaking free from social expectations and living on their own terms. Join us.
Podcast: Well Doing
Lost in our mission to save our partners, we, the sober partners, often don’t see what is happening to our own mental health.
Article: She Does the City
Logic should work. Pleading should work. But it doesn’t in addiction. The tools we have as loved ones of addicts are the tools we use in all of our life, logic. But the disease has none. I write about what that experience was like for me
Excerpt: Huff Post
An excerpt from my new memoir. “Speaking publically about my husband’s flaws would be a betrayal, wouldn’t it? I thought so. But was my silence about him or me?”
TV Appearance: Great Day Washington - WUSA9
I speak with Kristen Berset-Harris on the challenge of losing yourself when you love an addict.
Radio: KSFR Santa Fe Public Radio
In conversation with radio host Dr. Melanie Harth of Santa Fe Public Radio, KSFR. We get vulnerable about life with an addict and the healing that needs to come after.
Podcast: The Dating Game
Sometime leaving a relationship, even a longterm marriage, is the proper path forward for our emotional health. It is a question loved ones of addicts struggle with. When is it too bad to stay?
Podcast: Uplevel Your Relationships
Healing from loving an addict. I speak with Allison Anderson, MD about my experience of pain and a my path to emotional health. It’s the conversation that more loved ones of addicts need to have.
Podcast: Wing Girl Method
Let’s talk narcissism. I speak with Kristen Carney of The Wind Girl Method and What Women Want podcasts. Narcissistic tendencies are often part of addiction. We speak about what to watch out for.
Podcast: Waking Up To Narcissim
An outstanding conversation with Tony Overbay, LMFT from the Waking Up to Narcissism podcast. We go deep into self-healing and the importance of finding ways to gain perspective on the pain. Addictive relationships often have narcissistic aspects, but this conversation applies to any tough relationship.