Interview: Mystery Review Crew
I speak with author Shelley Blanton-Stroud about my mystery series and how real life influences our stories. And of course we throw in a dose of memoir too.
Article: He Got Sober. I Got Broken.
As the loved-one of an addict, silence became my loyalty pledge. Here is a short excerpt from my upcoming memior, Where the Shadows Dance.
Podcast Interview: Christine Hassler
I speak with Chistine Hassler of the Over it and On With It Podcast. We speak about all the tough stuff. Loving an addict, how my world crashed, and how I made my way through.
Article: I Had My First Schoolgirl Crush at Sixty
As I write in Elephant Journal, a fantasy man— someone I thought of as a schoolgirl crush but with good sex dreams—played a big role in my healing. He showed me I could feel again when I thought my marriage had bled me dry.
Article: Motherhood Moment
Reflecting on Dry January. Is it a moment in time or part of a deeper lifestyle change?
Radio Interview: America at Night
Listen in as I speak with Rich Valdes from America at Night about being the loved-one of an alcoholic and how my former husband’s disease didn’t match the stereotypes we think of when we picture the disease.
Interview: Wave TV Louisville
I speak with John Ramsey of Wave TV in Louisiville, KY about being the caretaker of a high-functioning alcoholic and my upcoming memoir.
Interview: Life as Rog
A conversation with Rog and Becky about my background and why I wrote my upcoming memoir.
Interview: USA Wire
I spoke with USA Wire about the challenges loved ones of alcoholics face, often feeingl discarded in the necessary focus on the addict and the importance of understanding that we have emotional scars too.
Podcast Interview: Uncorked
Join me in converstation with Mel Greenberg of Uncorked Live. We talk about writing process, writing fiction, how real life overlaps even in a made up world, and writing about tough, true things. Take a listen!
Podcast Interview: Bound+Determined
I had the opportunity to speak with the super-smart Richelle Fredson, host of the bound + determined podcast, and book proposal coach extroidinare. We talked about writing, my upcoming memoir, vulnerability, and writing through the toughest stuff even when you’re scared to death. If you listen close, you’ll hear my voice get soft and start to quaver when we approached the subject matter I’m wrting about.
Interview: Vitalcy
Thought I’d share a quick link to an interview I did recently with Vitalcy, an organization dedicated to changing the story around aging. We talked about the dreams I had as a young adult, what played out as reality, today’s life purpose, and what excites me for my future. Take a look!
Interview: Playtime with Bill Turck & Kerri Kendall
I recently had the opportunity to join Bill Turck and Kerri Kendall on their show Playtime with Bill and Kerri, to discuss Tell Me a Lie. We talk about writing a series, research, and keeping track of all those pesky mystery details. Take a listen!
Chicago Writers Association Finalist
The Chicago Writers Association has honored my latest novel, Tell Me a Lie, as a finalist for Book of the Year. While helping out her sister, with a real estate issue, Andrea discovers the body of a young woman. Who is she and why did she die here alone? Haunted by the lonely death, Andrea pushes to discover the real cause of the young woman’s demise.
Windy City Reviews
Recently got a lovely review for my latest release, Tell Me a Lie, from Windy City Reviews.
A couple choice quotes:
Tell Me a Lie is a book for readers who skip the fluff and jump into the masterful pacing of critical information and the exhilaration of solving the crime with the detective–not ahead of her or behind her.
Killion has built a detective that is as pragmatic, persistent, and persevering as this city.
Once you get on Killion’s rollercoaster, it is impossible to get off.
I’m blushing…
Interview: Kari Bovee
I had a lovely conversation with author Kari Bovee who writes a blog about Empowered Women, as well as her own historical fiction. Take a read here!
Interview: New in Books
Had a lovely interview with Grant from New in Books about how Lies in High Places came to be. Always fun to hear about the backstory of a writers journey. And as a bonus, I was front and center with a Nora Roberts release in their email newsletter. Going to take it as a good omen. Check out the interview here.